Weight Loss Facts

Weight Loss

While many factors do affect weight loss success, separating fact from fiction can give you the tools to meet your weight loss goals. More importantly, you'll feel better and healthier. 

Losing weight is not an easy feat. Many weight loss misconceptions permeate the internet today, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction. Whether you are on a quest to live a healthier lifestyle or you just want to fit into your skinny jeans, you'll need to know the truth to be successful in your weight loss journey. 

We're here to straighten things out and shed some light on weight loss fiction and give you the facts.

It's possible to lose weight, no matter your age or gender

Losing weight with the right plan is possible. Many factors contribute to success, but they do not include age or gender. People of all ages, both male and female, can lose weight with the proper tools.

Of course, diet and exercise do play an important role in weight loss success. However, they are not the only factors that you need to consider.

Genetics, environment and emotional state affect weight loss

This is a true statement often overlooked by many who are on a weight loss journey. Emotional health and a stable environment both contribute to weight loss success. Stress often leads people to make unhealthy food choices, such as eating to calm or soothe nerves.

Genetics also play an important role. Those with family members suffering from obesity are predisposed to gain weight more easily. It is both necessary and beneficial to break the cycle of obesity with a successful and sustainable weight loss journey.

Calories are both equal and not equal at the same time

While it is necessary to track caloric volume on a weight loss journey, where those calories come from may be equally as important. Compare a handful of nuts to a diet soft drink, for example. They may have equal amounts of calories on the surface.

However, there are far more health benefits offered by the high-value calories in nuts. Diet soft drinks typically contain empty calories that provide no nutritional value and can make it more difficult to lose weight.

There's no single best diet

The best diet is a balanced one. Many weight loss diets tend to cut out entire food groups. This practice is not sustainable for long-term weight loss, nor is it healthy. Each person has different physical needs in terms of calories, vitamins and minerals.

Everyone also lives different lifestyles. It is necessary to follow a healthy, balanced diet that meets your nutritional needs. This will both satiate your appetite and give you adequate energy for everyday activities.

Light and moderate drinking will not affect your weight loss plan

Many people assume it is necessary to cut out alcohol completely to lose weight. This simply isn't true. While heavy drinking does lead to weight gain, the same can't be said for light to moderate drinking. Alcohol does contain large amounts of empty calories.

However, following the "everything in moderation" rule will not foil your weight loss plans.

You don't necessarily need fitness trackers

Wearable fitness trackers do tend to make it easier to track sleep and exercise data. However, there is no evidence to suggest that they actually help people reach weight loss goals. Sure, they are handy to have and maybe even fun to wear.

However, if you are serious about weight loss, a fitness tracker isn't necessary. Your money may be better spent on high-value nutritional food, a gym membership or even enjoyable, healthy activities that help burn calories.

Fat-free foods often have more calories

This is nothing more than a marketing ploy. If you are looking for a low-fat food, then grab an apple. When you remove fats from processed food, other ingredients take their place, which are usually inherently unhealthy, such as sugar alcohols and sodium.

They can even dehydrate your body or make it retain water. It is always best to read and compare labels. Fat-free types of food often have more calories than their full-fat counterparts. When trying to reduce fat intake, it is always better to opt for healthier choices instead of low-fat or fat-free food items.

Skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain

Skipping breakfast is never a healthy choice. Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and sets you up for weight loss success. A high-fiber breakfast helps keep your body satiated throughout the day and often leads to healthier food choices.

Missing meals increases your body's stress and cortisol levels, which can slow down your metabolism and have an adverse effect on your weight loss progress. Instead, opt for a healthy high fiber breakfast to fuel your day.

For healthy options and recipes to help you lose weight successfully, check out http://www.nutrition53.com. Our goal is to help you become the best version of yourself.